Milton Keynes YMCA

Project Profile

A prominent YMCA campus was successfully completed in Milton Keynes, featuring 199 new apartments, offices, community spaces, and commercial units. The new facility, constructed by Bowmer + Kirkland, is set to bring about positive transformation in the lives of young individuals by providing essential housing, generating employment opportunities, and contributing significant social value to those in need. Supported by various backers, including Homes England and The National Lottery Community Fund, the new YMCA Milton Keynes Campus transformed the organization's offerings, providing homes and community facilities for young adults.
The revitalization of the site involved the demolition of existing 1970s buildings and the development of YMCA with social enterprises on the ground floor offering employment and training opportunities. The Building Information Model (BIM) and Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), including a steel frame and lightweight steel framing, were crucial for the project's success.
The YMCA accommodation project is an integral component of a broader scheme. This nine-storey building encompasses 198 apartments, offices, community spaces, and shops. Jensen Hughes played a crucial role in the project by developing the fire strategy, tailored for use as a hostel, and remained involved throughout the design and construction phases.
The fire strategy development included innovative fire engineering solutions, such as supporting extended corridor travel distances, implementing non-standard fire-stopping of ductwork, and conducting radiation assessments to support cooking hob locations. This comprehensive approach ensures the safety and effectiveness of the YMCA Milton Keynes Campus in accommodating the diverse needs of its residents.
Project Details
Project Owner
Bowmer and Kirkland
Project Location
Milton Keynes, UK
Project Size
Services Provided
Featured Experts
MEng (Hons), Mechanical Engineering, Chartered Engineer, Member, Member
MEng (Hons), Structural and Fire Safety Engineering, Associate Member
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